Change your mannequin with ease with our male mannequin torso
To keep up with the rapid pace of seasonal trends in the fashion industry, male mannequin torsos are a must-have. Male mannequin torsos will help your retail staff quickly and easily change store displays when transitioning from polos and shorts to knitwear and jeans. They are lightweight and easy to move around and detach.
Choose from our medium-large plastic male torsos with a mount for a pole that you can sit on a shelf or add a stand for a freestanding option. Alternatively, our male mannequin torso with a hanging hook can be hung at the front of a clothes rack to display outfit ideas. Choose from an array of white, black, skin-colour or transparent mannequins to suit your needs.
Buy male mannequin torsos from Shop for Shops to display your best-selling attire
Catch your customer’s eye as soon as they enter the store with Shop for Shop’s selection of male mannequin torsos to showcase your latest store arrivals. We’re your one-stop shop for all mannequins, from male mannequins to kids' mannequins, female plastic torsos and kids' plastic torsos. Whether you operate a large-scale retail chain or a boutique store, we have decades of industry experience and are here to help. Contact us with any queries, and our team is happy to assist.
What are male mannequin torsos best used for?
Male mannequin torsos display men’s clothing, accessories and other products in retail stores, including shirts, jackets and hats. They give customers a better idea of how the apparel will look and which clothing pairs well together. Male mannequin torsos also make it easy to switch up store displays with ease.
How many mannequins do I need for my store?
The number of male mannequin torsos you will need for your store depends on the size of your store and the type of products you sell. You should have one male torso for every 5-6 pieces of apparel in your store. If you sell a variety of male items, such as shoes, hats, shirts, jackets and jeans, you may need to have more male mannequin torsos to showcase more items.